Disparities in test prep access for NYC specialized high schools.

“I find it bogus that a singular test determines if [you’re] good enough for the top schools,” said one comment. “Whilst the test does promote this idea of equal testing for all, people go into the test with different levels of preparedness as some go to specialized tutoring, which is paid for, whilst some don’t

Disparities in test prep access for NYC specialized high schools. Read More »

In NYC, where Blacks and Hispanics make up 70% of the city’s school-age population, they represent <5% at the city's most elite public high schools.

“In New York City, where blacks and Hispanics make up 70% of the city’s school-aged population, they represent less than 5% at the city’s most elite public high schools. Meanwhile, Asian Americans make up as much as 73%. This documentary follows a dozen racially and socio-economically diverse 8th graders as they fight for a seat

In NYC, where Blacks and Hispanics make up 70% of the city’s school-age population, they represent <5% at the city's most elite public high schools. Read More »